A business owner goes to jail trying to hide income using a check cashing agency. There is a mistaken and absolutely crazy belief using a check cashing agency will enable a business to hide gross receipts from the IRS. Not true! The IRS frequently audits check-cashing...
The IRS is not calling to arrest you! Today, a new client appeared in my office and explained he needed a consultation right away. This is very strange because most people call to set up an initial conference and we discuss the case on the telephone before meeting....
LAURYN HILL IS OUT OF JAIL, BUT THE IRS KEEPS HOUNDING Singer songwriter Lauryn Hill was thrown into jail for 3 months for tax evasion, with another 3 months of home confinement. This is all based upon her following some scheme by phony tax advisors claiming that she...
Freddie Mitchell Dropped The Ball and the IRS Catches him My daughter is an avid, ahem rabid, Eagles fan. At 5 ft, barely 2 inches, she can go head to head with the big guys and knows football inside and out. Me? I hate football. I don’t get why people love such...
The IRS is at it again going after famous people to make big publicity splashes about their criminal prosecutions. This time, it involves 69-year-old H. Ty Warner, the inventor of Beanie Babies the craze of the 90s, for having Swiss bank accounts. The Department of...
Brooklyn Bar Owner Jailed for not Paying $1.3M in Sales Taxes On December 30, 2010 The principal owner of The Kettle Black, a popular sports bar and restaurant in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn, has pleaded guilty to stealing more than $1.3 million in city and...